Intuitive alchemy


Years of overwhelming tidalwaves froth up in a mad rush apon my beaten feet. Stirs up memories frm many lifetimes boiling and simmering like a rue. I’ve experimented with my inate senses in this illusion from an egos perspective making myself vulnerable to the lower dimensional entities. Now is the time for me to be of higher frequency of heart and sound mind interwoven with balance   Now with these supportive energies of momma earth we open up on all levels to find out it is only within we trust whole with our intuition. we are blossoming as our inner child balances to precision. We realize with new found amazment our moment to moment become moments resonating to a more beautfiul serenade of our frequancy we expell from our divine alchemy

One response »

  1. intuition is a powerful force. It has saved me many times from not getting into serious trouble. Yes I never ignore this inner voice that is always correct. People have now started to listen to this inner voice more now. Love your photo, I can see you there amongst mother earth, great blog, keep on writing woman! hugs Thalia xoxo

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